
I have really bad teeth - what are my options?

You’re not the only person in the world with bad teeth – whether it’s gaps, crookedness, or even missing teeth that’s your biggest concern, there is something that can be done about it – and it’s never too late to seek treatment.

Cosmetic, restorative and prosthetic dentistry has advanced so much that there’s a treatment to address every smile concern, with some treatments targeting multiple problems at once.

Although some come at a cost, you might gain peace of mind knowing there’s options out there to make you feel better about your smile.

That said, let’s explore the biggest oral imperfections below and their recommended solutions.

missing tooth in front image

You’ve likely heard this before, but the best chance you can give your gums is to maintain an excellent brushing and flossing routine.

The main contributor to receding gums is gum disease, and the more you manage this with an improved oral healthcare routine at home and combine that with regular hygiene sessions, the better chance you have at limiting the damage.

Pro dental tips:

  • – Avoid the use of hard-bristled toothbrushes
  • – Stay away from abrasive oral products
  • – Use an electric toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste
  • – Medicated gum disease mouthwashes are also helpful
  • – Fluoride varnish can reduce discomfort

Missing teeth

Treating teeth lost to decay, trauma, gum disease or age


chipped teeth

Broken or chipped teeth

Chipped, cracked, broken or fractured teeth – please note for the following treatments, more than half the tooth must remain.


Crooked, overcrowded or misaligned teeth

We can also treat crooked and misaligned teeth using dental veneers, sometimes called instant orthodontics. 


Overbites and underbites

Depending on the severity of your overbite, crossbite, open bite or underbite, several treatments might be available.

In cases where braces won’t be applicable, you might need jaw surgery to help correct the bite.


Plaque and tartar build-up or decay

Plaque and tartar are easy to treat and remove with hygiene appointments. But, you might require further treatment, for example, in the case of receding gums or if the decay has spread, causing tooth pain, which might require a dental filling, crown or even root canal.


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Discoloured or yellow teeth

If tooth discolouration lies beneath the surface and cannot be removed with Airflow hygiene treatments, then whitening agents might be your best bet, or if you have other smile problems you wish to treat at the same time, you can do so with porcelain or composite veneers.


Gummy smiles

If you hate how much gum there is when you smile, we can reduce this by making the teeth appear longer or reducing the amount of gum.


  • – Gum sculpting
  • – Laser gum surgery
  • – Porcelain veneers


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